Minecraft Updates Overview [Image Slideshow]


Minecraft Version 1.0 [Current] [Java Edition]

The World of Color Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.12, a major update which released on June 7, 2017. This update adds a new crafting system, a new function system, hints for beginners, glazed terracotta, concrete, colored beds, illusioners, and parrots. It also replaces achievements with advancements.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.12 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/World_of_Color_Update 

The Exploration Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.11, a major update released on November 14, 2016. This update made large changes to entity ID, and added illagers (vindicators and evokers), vexes, totem of undying, exploration maps, observers, shulker boxes, woodland mansions and llamas.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.11 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Exploration_Update 

The Frostburn Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.10, a major update released on June 8th, 2016. It added some new features such as skeleton/zombie variants in snowy biomes and deserts, polar bears, fossils, structure blocks for saving/loading structures in worlds, and an auto-jump feature.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.10 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Frostburn_Update 

The Combat Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.9, a major update released on Monday, February 29th, 2016. Some additions include roads/paths, adding a left hand, shields, potion-tipped arrows, End City dungeon structures, a new mob called the Shulker, wings for flying, and a redo of the entire EnderDragon fight!

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.9 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Combat_Update 

The Bountiful Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.8, a major update that was released on September 2, 2014. The update has two main themes, one being features added for mapmakers and the other being new survival features.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.8 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Bountiful_Update 

The Update that Changed the World is the name for Minecraft version 1.7.2, a major update released on October 25, 2013. It added many new features such as a new terrain generator, many new biomes and biome variations, stained glass, red sand, new tree types, a new spawn system, new fish and a new fishing system with rewards, many new flowers, many more customization options, custom-size Nether portals up to 23 by 23, and command blocks in minecarts and lots of new commands, making maps more exciting.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.7.2 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/The_Update_that_Changed_the_World

The Horse Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.6.1, a major update released on July 1st, 2013. It added many new features such as horses, leads, coal blocks, carpets, resource packs and a new launcher.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.6.1 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Horse_Update

The Redstone Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.5, a major update released on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Among the main changes were a number of new redstone-related blocks, including the comparator, hopper, dropper, daylight sensor, trapped chest, weighted pressure plates and block of redstone. A new decorative block – block of quartz, crafted from nether quartz – was also added. Also included was a scoreboard system, a new texture pack format and a lighting engine optimization.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.5 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Redstone_Update

The Pretty Scary Update is the name for Minecraft version 1.4.2, a major update officially released on Thursday, October 25, 2012. Among the main changes were a number of new mobs and variants (witches, bats, zombie villagers, wither skeletons), wearable and placeable heads, a new boss (the Wither), the command block, the anvil, the beacon, new food (potatoes, carrots and pumpkin pies), carrots on sticks for controlling pigs and new decoration items (item frames, flower pots and cobblestone walls).

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.4.2 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Pretty_Scary_Update

1.3.1 is an update released on August 1st, 2012 which added trading, adventure mode, new generated structures (jungle and desert temples) and new blocks/items including emeralds, book and quills, written books, tripwire and ender chests. It also improved enchanting and made fighting creepers harder.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.3.1 
Release Page: https://mojang.com/2012/07/minecraft-1-3-info-snapshot-w27/

1.2.1 is an update released on March 1st, 2012 which added a new height limit as a result of the anvil file format, zombie sieges and generated features including jungle biomes, abandoned mine shafts and desert wells. It also added new blocks/items - the bottle o' enchanting, redstone lamp, fire charge and chiseled stone brick and new mobs - iron golems and ocelots.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.2.1 
Release Page: https://mojang.com/2012/03/minecraft-1-2-is-out/

1.1 is an update released on January 12, 2012 which added new languages, superflat world type, beaches and spawn eggs.

Changelog: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.1 
Release Page: https://mojang.com/2012/01/minecraft-1-1-update/

Minecraft Version 2.0 [2013 April Fools Joke]

On April 1, 2013, Mojang released a hoax announcement post for Minecraft 2.0, a new game they had supposedly been working on for two years, describing how it would "bring blocky simulation games to the next level." The post also contained a changelog comprised mostly of nonsensical changes, such as a new slab of TNT called Etho Slab, the addition of the Pink Wither, and the Redstone Block.
Minecraft 2.0 was produced and distributed to selected celebrity individuals to showcase to the public as part of the joke.

Changelog: https://mojang.com/2013/04/its-finally-coming-minecraft-2-0/ 
Release Page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Minecraft_2.0

Minecraft Version 1.10 ♥ [2015 April Fools Joke]

On April 1, 2015, Mojang released a hoax announcement for 1.10, also known as The Love and Hugs Update. This update is considered as snapshot 15w14a, which is also the first snapshot released in 2015. The changelog consists of changed gameplay, mob behaviors, particle effects, combat system, potions, new boats & much more! Check out the LOVE! ♥

[Changelog]    [Release Page]